Cambodia route

Recommendation: Hire a local Tuk-Tuk driver to tour around Angkor Wat.

Route overview:Phonm Penh -> Kampot -> Koh Rong -> Battambang -> Siem Reap

From Saigon, Vietnam I took an 8-hour bus ride to enter Phonm Penh, Cambodia.

Phonm Penh (2 nights)

  • S21 museum tells the history of a devastating part of Cambodian history. It's impossible not to cry if you listen to the audio tour while walking through the site that was a former school used as a prison during the Khmer Rouge regime from 1975 until 1979.
  • Royal palace.
  • Silver pagoda.
  • Walk along the river.

5-hour bus ride to Kampot

Kampot (2 nights)

  • Great food at 'Epic Arts Café.
  • Rent a scooter to explore Bokor National Park and Kep, a smaller nearby town. The beaches in Kep were quite chaotic with lots of monkey's.

4-hour bus ride to Sihanoukville ($4) + Boat to Koh Rong ($22 round trip)

Koh Rong (2 nights)

  • Stayed on Long Set beach at 'Reef on the beach' hostel.
  • The beaches have white sand and beautiful water. The road system throughout the island is very limited so all I did was lounge on the beach. It was a great place to disconnect since internet connection is very spotty.

Boat back to Sihanoukville + 7-hour bus back to Phonm Penh ($14)

Phonm Penh (1 night)

  • Going back to Phonm Penh wasn't my ideal route, but it was the only way back by bus if I wanted to continue on to the Northern part of the country.

7-hour bus ride to Battambang ($9)

Battambang (2 nights)

  • Rented a scooter and wet to Ek Phnom Temple and the bamboo train. My scooter broke down (only time in 7 months I had a scooter rental breakdown), but I was lucky to have two people stop to help me get to a repair shop.

5-hour bus ride to Siem Reap ($6)

Siem Reap (2 nights)

  • Booked a Tuk-Tuk driver to take me to see Angkor Wat and the other temples in the area. It cost me $15 for the driver and $37 to get into Angkor Wat. A spectacular experience having a local person take me around. It was nice to have a private driver so I could go at my own pace.

Siem Reap was my last stop in Cambodia. From here I took 9-hour bus ride to Bangkok, Thailand ($20). From there, I continued my travels through the south part of Thailand.