Trekking in Myanmar

Recommendation: Trekking in Myanmar is a MUST do!

During my month in Myanmar, I did two different treks. The first one I did was 3 days, 2 nights in His-Paw. The second one I did was 2 days, 1 night from Kalaw to Inle Lake. Both were amazing!

The first one in His-Paw was lots of jungle terrain. Imagine large bamboo forests, river crossings, and a cobra sighting! Thank goodness the cobra sighting was on the last day when we were on our last mile. I can't imagine I would've slept well if I would've seen it on our first day.

The two nights on this trek were two of my more unique accommodations. The first night we stayed in a rustic treehouse had thin mattresses on the floor and the second night we stayed in bamboo huts next to a river. No AC, no power, no running water. Just a group of strangers becoming friends and a guide who spoke minimal English.

The second trek I did from Kalaw to Inle Lake was a bit tourist friendly. The milage was less and there were places to spot to get bottled water along the way (entrepreneurial locals know this is a popular route). The night was spent in a homestay where the whole group slept in one room together. The most memorable part of this trek was seeing women with their animals along the trail. And the HEAT. It was very warm with minimal shade along the way. When we arrived in Inle Lake, we took a boat ride to see the town build on stilts above the lake which was architecturally amazing.

Looking back on my seven months in Asia, there two treks were some of my favorite memories! If you're comfortable with some discomfort and love hiking, I would definitely recommend trekking in Myanmar!